Monday, July 15, 2013

Velvet Hand Behind the Throne Giveaway!

I have many skills.  Like changing Little S's diaper while nursing Rae AND figuring out the math of how many calories of gummy bears I've eaten in the past 3 hours, I do that pretty much daily.  Or I'm really good at making PB&J and microwaving lukewarm cups of coffee.  Those are skills that are definitely in my repertoire.

Getting creative though, that's not really one of my skills.  I don't know if it's because the ringing of the Octonauts theme song in my head, but I can't come up with super cute stuff like this:

That was made by Jaime over at The Velvet Hand Behind the Throne.  It was an anniversary present for her husband that highlighted all the different places they've been and illustrated though journey together thus far.  How cute is that?!  I'd make something like that for Big S, but knowing my kids, Little S would probably get syrup/crayons/poop on it or something.

Also, she's always posting tuitorials on how to make these wreaths:

So as you all know, I'm kind of (very) lazy.  I desperately want to be that crafty mom who makes these types of projects, but I'm just so lazy busy.  But Jaime is so kind, she decided to make one to giveaway to one of you!

Now, I totally could rig this and keep it for myself, but I like you guys.  Kind of.
So, you know the drill by now, to enter just like her page and leave me a comment letting me know you've done so!

Oh, and if you don't win, she'll custom make you something if you ask!
And be sure to check out her tips on organizing.