Wednesday, June 4, 2014

No tube.

I'm sad.

This is an understatement, but I'm keeping it at that.
I'm really sad.

My best friend keeps telling me I'm "handling this well, better than most would". I text her after every appointment, after every weight check, when she spikes a fever and when she looks at me funny. So she knows just how NOT WELL I'm handling this. But she humors me and tells me I am.

I feel like I'm failing Rae.
Day 6 off the tube and she's falling over. It takes her 3-4 tries to get her balance to stand up. Her legs buckle underneath herself as her feet drag against the floor as she picks up her feet to walk. She sleeps 16-17 hours a day, she's exhausted.
I wanted her off the tube to see what would happen.
And this is what happens.

I'm frustrated with myself and everyone around me. We all desperately want to see her thrive and gain weight and be normal. I want everything she's suffering through to go away. 
But it isn't.
I don't want her to have a gtube.
I don't want her to have to have surgery.
I don't want her to be so backed up you can see it on an X-ray.
I don't want her to get weak from being malnourished.
I don't want her to be on such a huge dose of Miralax.
I don't want her on Elecare.
I don't want to keep a food journal.
I don't want to have to write down every fever, every cold, every ear infection and every snotty nose.
I don't want her to be sick.

In my mind I had prepared myself that she might lose weight when we took her off the tube, but it didn't occur to me that she'd regress.
It scares me (another understatement).
I can remember telling the geneticist about it happening back in January/February when they were thinking this was CP by the way she was regressing and bending her legs. I remember how concerned they were about it, but she was on the tube, and within a month of being on the tube she was great. And our problems with muscle weakness were as good as over! She was walking, her balance was great, she could pull herself up and spin and dance and jump. And in just a few short days that changed.
I watched her desperately attempt to pull herself up onto the couch yesterday, to no avail. I took videos of her struggle to stand herself up, watching her cautious face as she attempted to stand up without falling over.

This is my fault.
We chose option one.
We chose to take her off the tube, to see what would happen.
And this is what happens.
I noticed it, but even more important, my ped asked Monday and one of the home nurses asked yesterday about her walk without me even mentioning it.
It's not normal.
She's going back to the bad muscle weakness again.

To be quite honest, I'm not handling this well.
I'm losing my freaking mind!
I'm obsessing about whatever this is. I don't know how after 8+ months of testing they still don't know what's wrong. And they still haven't been able to fix it. And she's obviously not out growing it. 
If I'm not talking about what's going on with her, I'm thinking about it and hoping someone will ask. But usually people don't. Probably because there's nothing to talk about, there's no new information to tell, which makes it even more frustrating for me.
She's just stuck, waiting for a diagnosis for WHATEVER this is so that we can start helping her.
I don't sleep. I sleep maybe 4 hours a night. The rest of the night I just think and listen to the lullaby of the kids sound machines.
I can't even wrap my head around the fact that this nurse, who knows NOTHING about Rae, can stop by, look at her walk, her weight and I tell her about her frequent illnesses, how much she eats, how she's had chronic constipation her whole life and she can say "Have they checked out muscle based diseases? Like, have they thought about Mitochondrial Disease?" In 10 minutes of knowing her, yet it's taken us 8+ months to get to this point and we are waiting to even be seen by the right doctor she needs.

And that's the end of my never ending blog rant.
Someone please bring me cheesecake and let me cry on their shoulder.
Or just the cheesecake.


1 comment:

  1. IT is NOT your fault!! Not at all Hun... You are doing exactly what any mother would do and what I would have done! While she may have a genetic issue, you can't say that it's your fault. She is precious and happy and sweet and will always be Rae, even if she falters and falls and more....but she has parents who are following up, taking the steps needed to get through (no wade through) the muck of trying to figure out what the hell is going on. This is treacherous ground, even sometimes ground that other people wouldn't attempt to tread. Your child, however is getting what she needs,...which is slowly but surely....tiny by tiny...more and more answers. It may not seem like a normal result on a given lab is an answer, but it is. It's a ruling out of other diseases and a narrowing down. I'm so grateful that Rae has such a patient and loving and caring mom and dad as you two and my prayers and heart is with you. This is NOT for the faint of heart and I can see the Lord blessing you two, because of Rae....because of this struggle....even little Sam has such compassion and gentleness already. While I'd rather it not be this way.... I know from experience that it can indeed be a good thing. A trusting walk. A stronger eternity. A moving of the Holy Spirit. I want to HUG you and just tell that I know it SUCKS.. BIG TIME. And that you are indeed doing a wonderful job. Get a bit of rest, recoup and go back at it. It doesn't get easier, until it gets settled what's going on and then you can move forward with treatments. Until then, do what works and keep searching for answers. Mito, CP and any/all genetic testing. Stand up to the doctors and tell them in the most respectful of tones..... that you want to know "what in the hell is going on"....that you won't stand for waiting on answers while your child deteriorates,....that they must do genetic testing NOW. They will listen to this. They really will see that they've exhausted the present line of thinking and that they have to get down to business. And know that you are her primary are her present savior..for now.....and ultimately she has a Savior far better than you.. He loves her more than you, but he also loves you more than you do. Know that you can rest in this and you can cry out for mercy. I pray that upon you all right now. Lord, show mercy to this Rae. Bring them your love and your will, and if it would be within your will...may it be that they are blessed with the right experts and docs to come on board, who recognize and treat Rae, exactly with what they've seen a million times and what they have experience with..... so that she can get proper treatment and long-term rewards. Keep her safe and bring her into healing. In your Name, Jesus. Amen Love and <<<>>>
