Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Moose & Goose Co. Giveaway

You guys know I cloth diaper, right?
Now here's where you all tell me I'm gross and weird and crazy.

These really aren't your mom's cloth diapers.  There's no pinning involved, no soaking in water, no nasty smell.  It's super easy.  And I'm not all hippy like you'd think of most cloth diaper-ers.  Not to say I don't care about the environment, but thats totally not why I cloth diaper.  I just don't feel like literally letting my children poop all over our hard earned money.  "Oh, but then you have extra laundry!"  Oh, please.  I have 2 under 2.  My laundry is NEVER going to end anyway.  What's an extra load of laundry?

So anyway.  I was browsing around my friend Jodi's page. and found these:

And HAD to get them for my kiddos! 
Oh and this:

Except mine obviously says Spencer, Raelyn and Samson.  I seriously considered getting Jodi and her kids names on there, but Big S said no.

So Jodi has decided to give away this super cute anchor necklace to one of you!

To enter:

By liking Moose & Goose you'll be entered.  Leave a comment so I know you entered!

You'll get an extra entry by sharing this post and by liking 2by22!

Good luck!
And don't forget to check out her etsy shop for more super cute stuff!  Oh and use the code "2by22" on any stamped jewelry you purchase and get 20% off!